Aug 19, 2013

The First Time I Got Teary Eyed with a Painting

Display of art gallery in Lim Ketkai Center from our local artists here in our city.

Paintings don't usually move me like words does, but today is the first time I got teary eyed with a painting. This one spoke to me deep down my heart in a most intimate way. This is one of the times when the sea brings out something in you: future, hopes, dreams, pains, what has been- all combine. And then you are lost just looking at it. This is that sea, and the painting has captured it and framed that moment.


Some of the paintings I like :( All the photos are taken from my mobile phone. This is one of those days I wish I had better camera)

Aug 6, 2013

What have I Been Up to Lately?

I have no idea who took this. Unknown file on our desktop.

Ever since the bombing in our city, I've developed this strange fear of things suddenly blowing up when I'm in crowded places. This sensation of fear and anxiety could drive me far away from the place where I am at. Also I have developed this heightened awareness of bags put away in suspicious places. I can spot them everywhere; once in a bookstore, and another at the hallway of a mall. A bag put in the ground unattended is positively a ticking bomb for me that I have to get away fast. This is crazy, to actually be so affected.

My counter spell which most of the time i forget to memorize when under threat is: even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i fear no evil for you are with me. There!

I bought a book entitled Uncle Tungsten Memories of a Chemical Boyhood because i was fascinated of the things they tell at the back cover. It's a scientific memoir. Why I am writing about this is not specifically because of the book but because of the person who used it before me. I was surprisingly delighted to discover that we have the same manner of highlighting things on books- mostly brackets and arrows enclosing beautiful sentences; not so much as to distract the reader but visible enough to notice the markings. I liked that he has this sense of "other people might want to read the book" he kept it neat.  Which is my guiding principle on book markings too.

I noticed that whatever book I'm reading has an impact on my writing. If I read beautiful books, i tend to sound beautiful too. I had read about this phenomenon. I find it rather sad and fascinating. Sad because I have not yet found my own voice, and fascinating because I could actually just keep reading beautifully written books every day to write beautifully too.  The problem is I get lazy.

I am in the middle of reading a beautiful story, an enchanting book filled with moon people. I am also in the middle of preparing for my midterm exam next week. I am in a beautiful mess.

The urge to do something I know not has returned. So I keep starting projects i am not able to finish. Not this, not that. If only it could talk and just tell me plainly what to do, I would not be so bothered like I am now.

I cannot keep myself from buying books. It is an addiction. I am happily addicted I'm afraid. Now, if only id be able to read them all. Sigh.

I have fascinating classmates. Because I don’t get to see them every day I am naturally curious about them and them about me. As we do reporting every classes, I am fond of observing who are nervous and who are not, which are eloquent and which are not. I have classmates who are generous with their smile; classmates who smile first when they see you. I always feel acknowledged when they do. I am not that generous with my smile nor am I the first to say hi. I wish I could be, but I have long given up beating myself about it. My shyness does not make them uncomfortable either (don't get me wrong, i also have friends). When sometimes i fee like it, I smile first and they always smile back, even the security guard at our University smiles back. Such a wonder what a smile can do.

I have been learning about the Theories of Learning. I keep meeting Grandpa Thorndike and Uncle Jean Piaget they sound like family already.

The trees (4) in our backyard have blossomed like they belonged to a forest. I can hear birds from my room, and they are increasing in number.

I actually liked people who cry easily. Who can be touched deeply by ordinary things and simple gestures? I knew one and I always don't know what to do when she cries, but it gives you so much joy that a simple gesture could move her so, so soft hearted and i liked it.

Has anyone been following FIBA ASIA? Because we are! Go Gilas Pilipinas!

Images by Freepik