modernpatadyong - Such a beautiful soul. Her writing simply takes you somewhere. Truly amazing.
annaoposa - I am green with envy with this lady! haha joke. If you want to grow as a person and see the world and care for it. She is the woman to check. A true Superwoman she is! - If you need inspiration and art and craft, check her blog. It's refreshing.
flowersfromabook - Inspiring woman. I'm a fan :) - I am following her journey through the classics. If you are into reading the great books or is planning to read them classics then she is the woman to follow.
i-am-fine-and-dandy - My beautiful friend chang. Child-ish/like like me :)
differentchainsoflife - My fashionista friend, Yhadz.
Kulasa - Ate Zen or Kulasa, she looks for what is beautiful in life, and her photos are the best.
SPONSORS: - look for chemicals
The Salitype Society - blogging to make a difference