This Is A Morning Class
The teacher is giving an exam.
One student lost his test paper.
The type of exam is identification.
Students were told to draw and label the nail structure.
Students raised their hands to ask questions.
1teacher is to 55 students.
The teacher walks across the room.
She told the students to greet us good morning.
I smiled.
Some insults (ganganga!).
She is red in the face.
Class continues.
The room is near to the gym.
The teacher has to talk loudly to drown out the noise.
The teacher asked if students were done answering the exam.
Students answered "No" in chorus.
The teacher hovers.
I caught a student cheating.
I mean students!
In front of us.
Students were told to exchange papers.
Students talking.
Students checking paper teacher mouthing answers.
Teacher told students to keep quiet their job is to check.
Class concluded with a prayer.