Aug 20, 2014

If You Become Kind To Yourself

Our master is hard to follow. He is rigid at a distance.
Of what is right and wrong is right and wrong. Unerring, majestic, holy.
How can someone maintain friendship with someone like that?
But somehow up close if you really care to look.
He is fresh and always new, and kind, and kind, and kind.
So stop judging yourself; for sins deliberately done, and for not being someone you think He’d like.
Because when you judge yourself, you have not time to love yourself.  
Look at the master --fresh and always new, and kind, and kind, and kind.

#This poem is for my harshest critic, myself. My dear, if you stop judging and become kind to yourself there is this spaciousness for learning and a certain kind of freshness. If you become kind to yourself you give space for growth. And space and growth is beautiful.
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