Mar 11, 2013

Speaking of Faith and Prayer: Where I Am Right Now

Transfiguration, Maramag, Bukidnon

I love asking questions. To question one's faith so you can know where you stand is not a sign of weakness nor do I consider it as one. It is just is, a question. 

Whether answered or not you try to live with it. Like an egg in incubation period, waiting to be. 
Hatched or not. It reveals you.

So here are my answers. Here is where I am right now.

That it does not matter if you do not know how to pray. It matters that you try.

That God looks at the heart and a fool looks at outward appearances.

That crying is purification, an outward manifestation of a healing process done to a soul.

That sincerity and honesty is an open gate to a beautiful state. The sincerity and honesty of acknowledging what you truly feel and think deep inside. No matter how foolish, immature, and wicked- the mess you are making. And that it is okay to ask for help.

And to always, always, choose the gentle way because it is easy to be unkind, especially to oneself, grace and mercy unfathomable.

So where are you right now?

My questions? It is mine for now.

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