Jun 12, 2013

A Letter to Myself

Dear Me, I love you. You know that. This is drama but this is also true. And sometimes I need to write to you to get to you. So let me tell you.

Do not worry if you do not know so much of this world.

Don't worry that you haven't figured out life yet. Learn to live with your questions.
It isn’t easy, but try to be at ease with the great unknown.

Don't be certain. Be sincere. Live with your heart. Speak your truth. 

Don't worry if your spirituality leads you on to so many paths. You can forget everything but never Jesus on the shore - your happy place. That is yours alone; your happy place is yours alone.
Try not to sleep too much. I know you; sometimes living is too much reality for you so you try to escape in your sleep. I've heard it is not poetic. So don't sleep during the day, but you can take a nap.

Someone said that the big thing in life is to love reality, and not imagine what could have been, or what should be, but to love reality and discover that God is present. I love that thought a lot.

I like you better when you are yourself and I like you most when you just accept you. Stop the old tape in your head; you're so shy, you're so slow, you're a fake, you are weak you don't deserve to be forgiven - don't beat yourself again and again. Don't believe that shit either (excuse the word).
They say that we have so many things in life that's against us already, don't make the mistake of being against yourself; forgive, forgive yourself, always forgive, and learn from your mistakes.

Learn gradually.

I know you. You want to learn everything at once. That's frustrating.
You have your whole lifetime to learn so don't hurry learning. It is fun that way.

Love you and your inner child in you. Ah, your inner child. Embrace her for she is in want. Remember that day in 4th grade when she collapsed? Embrace her and her thoughts that day.
Love her. Love her for always. And you will begin to see her smile and play within you.

Swell; swell with too much love you can't help but share.
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