Feb 7, 2013

The Secret of Life

The secret of life
Is to Act Like A Goddess!

To Think Beautiful and Loving Thoughts

To Acknowledge God in ALL You Do
For He will Help You
Bless You
Guide You

A Sure Promise that You can HOLD on for the REST of Your Life!

(My 25th birthday pictures. Finally something good came out of me looking younger than my age. I used to hate it because people don't usually take me seriously. Now that I am getting a bit older, looking young seriously is the best thing you can have. I decided to just grow gracefully. And to be always young at heart)

And for my birthday this is my wish:
 That you may find comfort in God.
That you may learn to enjoy and delight in His presence.
 To be fully satisfied in Him.
That He may give you that grace.
And remember, you are a Goddess!
 Fearfully and wonderfully made.
Child of the Living God.

Images by Freepik