May 24, 2012

This dance.

I want to dance in your infinite beauty.
So I may not look for anything else than you.
I want to immerse myself in the beauty of your holiness.
But how would I be able to do that?
Every time I contemplate your holiness,
I am made aware of my own wickedness;
Of the filth in my soul,
Of my ugly stains,
Of my many imperfections,
I am made aware that I can never be worthy
Of your presence,
I have lost the fight,
For a millionth time,
But you never seemed to mind my losing.
Maybe you think it is necessary for me to lose,
But I am covered with shame every time.
This soul wants to be free.
How long oh God,
Would it take me to enjoy your presence?
Without feeling guilty
Of what I maybe to you.


But as Rumi would say, I shall come and come again for a millionth time, even if I have broken my vows. And you will have no choice, but to accept me, or rather to make myself accept me in the beauty of your presence.

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