Mar 5, 2011

Health and Fitness

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”


Things im grateful for today March 5, 2011

1. Our health and fitness program is back! yey! For today we had a seminar on Stress Management. It was lead by Julie Ang. We did something yoga like. Yes breathing exercise! :P She said she's from The Art of Living(nice name huh?) So let me tell you about it. She said there are 5 different kinds of breathing or was it 4? Im sorry about that, I never thought there are so many kinds of breathing. Well anyways she taught us the hmm she mentioned the name but i forgot what it was. Well again, it goes something like this. Alternate breathing style. First you have to sit in a lotus position(just like in the pix above). You cover your right nose with your thumb and inhale with your left then when you exhale shift the cover and exhale with your right and then vice versa to achieve one cycle(you got that right?).But this is difficult to do when your nose is congested. :P Mine was at that time- maybe this is the reason why... It is suppose to make you more enthusiastic and alive and ready-to-conquer-the-world mode but sad to say it got a different effect on me. I felt so sleepy after the exercise! And then after that we had our badminton. I was sweating all over! yikes! hehehe but i was super glad i was sweating.
2. Went home then slept the entire afternoon and had my snack upon waking up. This is the good life.
3. Little lionceo. Yes i am super glad for litte lionceo. Our new happiness in the house.
Isnt he adorable?

4. Watched Pilipinas Got Talent. I am super impressed by our pinoy talents! The best in the whole wide world. :P Thank you LOrd.
5.Downloaded a pdf copy of Eve's Diary by Mark Twain. Thanks God for I shall read it today. yay! And there is also Adam's Diary wow interesting. I shall gossip with eve first,  Adam later. Contact me if you want a free pdf copy. :P
5. Did a self portrait. Im starting a new project but i still cant show it yet. It is based on a book entitled The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. This is super exciting and interesting.
Images by Freepik