Mar 30, 2012

The Fruit of My Labor

When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you -  Psalm 128:2

How sweet it is to enjoy the fruit of your labor. To literally see and touch what you have worked for, Ah, it is pure bliss! If you have read my previous post about my lemon tree and how excited i was to see it bear fruit and how i planned to have my own garden  hehe. I am glad to say to you now that my plant is now bearing fruits and 5 fruits at that! I know sometimes i forget to water them daily but i try my best. You have to know that touching the fruits makes me giddy and happy all over.
Here is before

...and after.

I am one proud gardener! haha if i can be called that. I am waiting for the fruits to turn yellow. yay! The fruits are heavy, as you can see i have to make the handle of the hammer support its trunks. haha. And i also have a lemonsito, visayan term for small lemon. I bought it last January in Balingasag during the fiesta. 
A closer look...

Yay! I know im awesome like that. I currently water 3 plants (i have tambis too). I think i'm on my way to having my own garden. These are just one of my simple joys. I love taking care of plants more than animals for the reason that they are just quiet and peaceful. They dont complain when i forget to water them for a couple of days- they just die; and im feeling guilty because 2 of my plants died already.(2 bonsai which cost Php 150 total) I was really sad about it, the weather these days are so hot; but i cant blame the weather i know. I have to be more responsible. Anyways, I am happy with what i have now. 

And of course i can't end this post without showing you my dad's plants too. His are orchids! It flowered last year with yellow and white colors on their petals. It was so beautiful.

My dad made those wooden thing with the platinum handles that the orchids are clinging to. My dad is awesome like that too huh?  :)
Looking neat. He waters them daily too. And bring them out ever so often to enjoy the sun.


Things im grateful for today

1. I'm grateful for chang2 who invited us to her Herbalife chuva in Dynasty Hotel. I was so hungry before the seminar and the food they served was awesome. Need i mention i was lost before that? I know it could only happen to me. haha. The seminar was on the 7th floor but i ended up on the 5th floor so i did a little tour(esey). I actually learned a lot from the seminar about good health and good nutrition. I was inspired. 

2. I'm grateful for Eva and Cute. Haha. It was fun cheering the two of them to loose weight. I took pictures of them so i can document their before and after transformation, just in case they decide to take on the task to loose the so called fats. Hehe but i love them the way they are, i will love them more if they could love and be proud with their bodies. Go ladies! I am all for you being sexy!

3. And lastly i am grateful for my new mobile phone. It's a samsung galaxy young which my cousin lend to me for half the original price. I am indeed under God's unprecedented favor. yay! I dont text much. I can go on without my phone for a year! BUt you know i have friends. I need to stay connected so i have to have one. I downloaded a lot of games and books on it. Most of the time i use it just to play and read ebooks and take pictures. Those pictures above are taken from my phone. I am happy. :)
Images by Freepik