Sep 4, 2012

Concerning Coffee

coffee aroma
My cup of coffee on MS Paint ;)

The taste of coffee in my mouth gives me a sense of comfort. It feels like home. It tastes like home and it makes me feel in tune with everything. I am amazed at how the right amount of coffee can make you feel like this. You just know that everything is alright with the world. The way the coffee goes down to your throat and into your lungs to your soul. It takes you somewhere beyond. Beyond fears and worries and beyond you. The sweetness, the aroma, and the "coffeeness" of it all takes me trans-like between here and now and eternity.  For the first time i understand why people get addicted. Caffeine is a here and now comfort.

P.S. I'm afraid i may have sounded a little high. But don't worry. I am high on love. haha.
Images by Freepik