Jan 21, 2013

Letters From My Journal: Kindling Love

When I talk to God,
               I would always want to hear him say I love you.
(Or force him to say it.)

 He knows I like to hear those words of love from Him.
     I get tickled.
               I feel assured.

Today I heard God,

                                    Said He also wants to hear it from me,
That I love Him,

I don't get to say that to Him often
                                                   I'm afraid I may not be sincere enough
                                                                                                            To utter those words
I may not mean it

I'm afraid I may find one day
                                           To have not love in my heart
But today
                God said,
                                      Say you love me too.

So I say,
               I love you Father
                                           My Abba, Father I love you.
                                                    Yes I do.

                                          And if my love is but a little,
                                               Accept my little love.

I love you
With all that I could offer.
Thank you.

-from my journal (I felt like sharing because it made me smile knowing that I felt this way)

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