Jan 14, 2011

Funny Emails

I had a very funny email. A webmaster talks about my agenda and goes about describing the site's owner, how he is not only intelligent but a gentleman as well, haha. Blah blah blah. He even asked me to call him over so that we can have lunch or coffee to discuss my proposal. :) What? Sometimes my work is not all about clear and persuasive negotiations. It's also about building relationships.

Read Cute-cute’s  eulogy letter to Ma'am Ann again. Smile. It never fails to make me laugh. I should really post it here or something, so that I can look it up whenever I’m sad, therapy?

Asked my guardian angel to wake me up at 4:30pm and he did! Yes I did it for so many times already and it never fails. I felt so loved I want to cry. Now I don't want to abuse his kindness and reduce him to an alarm clock. I love you my guardian dear. Thank you so much.

I am so grateful regarding my update with the t-shirt design. Interesting things coming!

I am grateful that Glaiza is with us in the office. She helps me a lot. Especially in evaluating sites and she is really good at it. Nothing beats knowledge through experience and time.

I am grateful for Janice. I asked help a lot and bother her so much I just hope she won’t get irritated with me.

 I am grateful that I'm learning a lot of technical aspects from this blog. Just have to remember to take things slowly.

 Abba dear, thank you for loving me so much! Your goodness and gentleness is beyond imagination. I cannot contain it, my heart cries with so much joy. I am and will always be forever grateful you are my God. Thank you.

 “Lord, I receive, and I am grateful.”


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