Jan 20, 2011


Found this at http://kristinrobertson.com/ i have to repost. I think i want to do this also. :)

Every morning, for about five minutes, sit still and contemplate how God beholds you. God is like an unconditionally loving parent or grandparent, who extends to you abundant love, acceptance and forgiveness. There is nothing you need do or say or achieve to deserve this love; there is nothing you can do to lose it. This abiding love has surrounded you since the inception of your soul, when God created you.
Listen to what God has to say to you: “You are our blessed child, in whom we are well pleased. We love you whatever you do - we love you unconditionally - so you can cease your striving and rest in our embrace. We grieve for you when you choose to turn your face away from love, and rejoice when you return to us. Know that we are always here, ready to enfold you in the light of our love.”
This practice, done daily, will change your life, as it has mine. You will look in the mirror and see a different person staring back at you. You will come to love yourself completely, unabashedly and lavishly, as God loves you. What greater gift - the gift of self-love - can you give to yourself and to the world?  For, if you cannot fully love yourself, you haven’t a prayer of fully loving others.
note: Done a little revision. Replaced the word Source to God.It doesn't matter either way. God is our source.
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