Jan 11, 2011

Watch if time is measured

 Gratitude is not only the greatest
of virtues,
but the parent
of all the others.


So i woke up early today and work. Did this done that. >>Fast forward...Guess what? Finally have myself a watch from Uni silver.Cool. So these are the interesting things i did today.
1. Eaten a garlic chicken pizza from  Bianos with LJ and Chachuchang. I am super glad chariss is feeling generous today and she ordered one. The pizza is superb, you should definitely try it. i highly recommend.)
2.Went around strolling in LKKS with chariss and rode the new escalator fronting the east concourse. If ever your in a hurry to get in you should use it. Not much people are using it so it would definitely save you time. And speaking of time, finally found a wrist watch from UniSilver. ^^ Had a sudden impulse to buy it so i bought it. Nice. And what is more nice is that i get to have a free watch along with it. And Chachuchang must have been one lucky girl to be where she is at the moment because i feel like giving it to her. So.
3. Thought about giving my mom an increase in my salary remission. Smile. I guess today is a "give more" day. I also want to increase my tithes so indeed it is a give more day for me.
4. Went to SM with doty and shopped. Thankful for the fruit salad. Fruit salad in SaveMore is probably one of the best fruit salad i have ever tasted. It's fresh.
5. oh before i forgot. Added an additional book to be read in my list of To Be Read Books. Nice. Hopefully i will get to read them all before i buy another one. And by the way the book is entitled 33 things a girl should know. Interesting huh?
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