Feb 8, 2011

Enjoying God's blessing

I believe life is like an Eat-All-You-Can Buffet.
 God has placed us in the middle of a Buffet of Blessings. 
But I now realize that there are people who are allergic to God’s blessings.
- Bo Sanchez


This is a post much related to the post of Bo Sanchez. Ive long been dying to talk about this but somehow im finding it hard to explain in the right way(much more write about it)

So lets talk about enjoying God's blessing. :) yay! Nice isnt it?
How does mornings sound to you? Do you feel God's mercy being renewed? If it feels like everyday is a new day to you then that my friend is God's wonderful blessing! Let us count that as 1- a reason to celebrate life.
Now when you walk out your house and see all the trees dancing. Please look closely, does it feels like God is enjoying the breezes and touching the trees? Sometimes God plays and its adorable isnt it? Well lets count that as 2 then. Now when you look at people and feel like smiling for some  reason or none at all whatever then that my friend is a gift not known to many. Celebrate then for life is humor. Now when your with your family and friends, does it feels like your playing and jumping from one clouds to another? Or perhaps content and happy? or if your like me you opt to make them laugh and smile by your silly antics just because you can? Or you can just give it all and go crazy all the way. It feels good right? We now have 4 reasons my friend to celebrate life and enjoy God's blessings! Now when you look at yourself and notice your eyes - its beautiful isnt it? Look closely please because there are times your soul appears in your eyes in the form of a smile. Rejoice and celebrate for life is beautiful and God wants you to be happy with all the things he has given you. We now have 5 reasons to count to celebrate life and be joyful. And that is more than enough.
Images by Freepik